Milton Train Works

Milton Train Works™

Custom kits and custom models

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A guide to understanding Milton Train Works numbering

Call me a bit obsessive but I use the set numbers as a categorization scheme... here's how to make some sense out of them.

Range Meaning
1000 Freight and passenger cars. Basic rolling stock. To be in the 1000 range an item should be unpowered, and should be primarily intended for rail operation. This refers to the main item, not the load (if any).
2000 Locomotives. Should be powered (at least simulated) and not be a combination unit that also carries freight or passengers, if so it goes in 3000.
3000 Self Propelled rail vehicles. Street cars, gas electric railcars and the like
4000 Structures. May be rail themed or not
5000 Non rail vehicles. Note that a hirailer, should I ever do one, would probably go here, rather than in 3000 (although you could make that case)

If you find this confusing please let me know. Email me with your wishes, desires and suggestions.

See my coming soon page. Your suggestions welcomed!

Confused about the MTW product numbering scheme? This page answers your questions!

Not sure how to pay for your purchases? This page talks about payments!


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MTW, Milton Train Works,, and the Milton Train Works logo are trademarks of Milton Train Works and Larry Pieniazek. All other text, images, and trademarks that appear under the domain are the property of Larry Pieniazek unless specifically noted.

The Milton Train Works web site is hosted by Northstar Computer Systems.

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Backgrounds courtesy of Fibblesnork™ (Copyright held by by Todd Lehman)
Raytraced background scenery courtesy of Bram Lambrecht.
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