Milton Train Works

Milton Train Works™

Custom kits and custom models

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MTW-3001-rw Custom "PCC" Streetcar

Red and white

red and white PCC streetcar

This handsome custom kit builds a mid 20th century US prototype streetcar or interurban. I've styled it to resemble a "PCC" car but I'm not claiming it's a completely accurate depiction, even within the limits of the LEGO® medium.

How'd you like to be tailgated by one of these?

Some of you may have seen a brown and white version of this interurban (with a yellow roof) on the ready track at the recent Pacific NorthWest LEGO® Train Club (PNLTC) Guinness World Record breaking attempt. I had loaned that model to the PNLTC for their use, and was delighted to get it back recently, prompting me to ready this model for production.

It's been a favorite of mine since I built the first version over a year ago, and now that Soccer buses make train windows readily available, it's practical to bring it to you, the connoisseur LEGO® hobbyist.

Some of the features of this trolley car include:

  • Comprehensive, "state of the art" building instructions in a bound report cover
  • Detailed interior
  • Authentic Mid Century US Prototype "feel"
  • Over 400 Pieces
  • Includes 6 minifigs
  • Single LEGO® 9V motor and simulated power truck
  • Operates on any existing LEGO® train layout (track not included)
  • Beefy, yet delicate enough to look good on curves.
image from instruction source

As with all Milton Train Works models, you get a fantastic set of instructions, featuring cropped views, cutaways, rotations and other nuances to make this a fast and fun build. These instructions, while not TLG quality, are thorough and accurate, and will allow you to quickly and correctly assemble this set. You will received a high quality printed or photocopied set of instructions, as well as all the required parts to create one car.

These instructions were created with MLCad, an LDraw compatible CAD modeling program especially designed for use with LEGO® and compatible elements. After the painstaking transcription, I checked the instructions for accuracy, generated the parts list and had a fellow Bricksmith™ print them, doublesided, on a color laser printer, ensuring that you get the sharpest instructions offered by any limited run custom LEGO® kit producer on the market today. (B&W instructions available. Substantial discount if substituted for color, modest increase if included "in addition", inquire for details)

3/4 view or 'builders shot'

Other colors may be available depending on parts availability. Please contact me if you're interested. Blue would be easy if you could accept a black or gray nose and if you yourself have the 6 bar center doors (quantity 2 required).

This streetcar contains over 400 parts, a new high for a Milton Train Works kit. Bidding on the first production unit (on eBay) could only be described as "fierce", and the closing price was 202.49 USD.

For a review of this set, see this post by Arnold Chang.


See my coming soon page. Your suggestions welcomed!

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Not sure how to pay for your purchases? This page talks about payments!


LEGO® is a trademark of the LEGO Company, which does not sponsor, authorize or endorse this site.


MTW, Milton Train Works,, and the Milton Train Works logo are trademarks of Milton Train Works and Larry Pieniazek. All other text, images, and trademarks that appear under the domain are the property of Larry Pieniazek unless specifically noted.

The Milton Train Works web site is hosted by Northstar Computer Systems.

Boilerplate Stuff…

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Backgrounds courtesy of Fibblesnork™ (Copyright held by by Todd Lehman)
Raytraced background scenery courtesy of Bram Lambrecht.
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