Milton Train Works

Milton Train Works™

Custom kits and custom models

A proud member of

Kellogg's Cereal City USA™

2005 Summer Block Party

About the Builders

A great many people helped make the KCCUSA project happen. Here is a bit of information about some of them.

Jim Garrett
Jim helped out with construction on Tony, doing much of the torso musculature. Jim works for an environmental software company and lives in the Metro Detroit area.
Ken Koleda
Ken did much of the image processing for, and helped out with construction of, the Froot Loops box. Ken works for Wayne County and lives in the Metro Detroit area.
"Purple Dave" Laswell
Dave helped with Tony the Tiger, doing the upraised hand, and other details. Dave lives in the Metro Detroit area.
Chris Leach
Chris was Lead Artist for the Froot Loops box. Chris works in the construction industry and lives in the Metro Detroit area.
Larry Pieniazek
Larry is the proprietor of Milton Train Works, and thus had overall project management responsibility. He also helped with portions of the display and statues. Larry works for IBM as a Solution Architect and lives in the Metro Grand Rapids area.
Nik Pieniazek
Nik was responsible for the undersea display. Nik will be in 8th grade next year and lives in the Metro Grand Rapids area.
Spencer Rezkalla
Lead artist for Tony the Tiger, Spencer works at a major auto manufacturer in product development and lives in the Metro Detroit area.
Steve Ringe
Lead artist for Pop!®, Steve also had design and fabrication responsibility for all the bases and armatures. Steve works for an automotive plastics company as a Senior Designer and lives in the Metro Detroit area.
Jason Spears
Lead artist for Snap!® and Crackle!®. Jason also was the display coordinator and the bulk of the display items are his. As President of MichLUG Jason served as the executive liason to the club. Jason works for Whirlpool as a Layout Drafter and lives in the St Joseph area.

The Builders

Back Row: Spencer Rezkalla, Jim Garrett, Larry Pieniazek, TONY!, Ken Koleda, Allison Tribul (KCCUSA)

Front Row: Jason Spears, Trevor Koleda, Chris Leach, Steve Ringe

Not Present: Dave Laswell, Nik Pieniazek

Kellogg, Kellogg's, the Kellogg's logo, Tony the Tiger, Rice Krispies, the Rice Krispies logo, Snap! Crackle! Pop!, Froot Loops, the Froot Loops logo, and Toucan Sam are trademarks or registered trademarks of the Kellogg Company, which does not sponsor, authorize or endorse this site.

The LEGO company does not sponsor, authorize or endorse the KCCUSA Summer Block Party or these statues or displays.

Uncredited images on this or other KCCUSA pages may have been taken by various members of MichLUG. If you have a question about a particular image, or wish credit given, please email me.


LEGO® is a trademark of the LEGO Company, which does not sponsor, authorize or endorse this site.


MTW, Milton Train Works,, and the Milton Train Works logo are trademarks of Milton Train Works and Larry Pieniazek. All other text, images, and trademarks that appear under the domain are the property of Larry Pieniazek unless specifically noted.

The Milton Train Works web site is hosted by Northstar Computer Systems.

Boilerplate Stuff…

Comments? suggestions? Flamage? Mail me!
Backgrounds courtesy of Fibblesnork™ (Copyright held by by Todd Lehman)
Raytraced background scenery courtesy of Bram Lambrecht.
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