Milton Train Works

Milton Train Works™

Custom kits and custom models

A proud member of

Kellogg's Cereal City USA™

2005 Summer Block Party

Froot Loops® Box

This page presents some construction images and additional information about the Froot Loops box creation process.

Prelimary Design Work

Front Panel Desired from KCC

Original Art

Although we used a different image during feasibility studies, this image, supplied by KCCUSA, was the starting point for our designs. This is a classic and very typical Froot Loops box art. Since we knew a mosaic was desired, we looked around to see what programs might be of assistance and found Bob Kojima's great program, Bricksiac.


This was a first pass using solid colors as generated by Bricksiac. We ended up making the colors much more regular than this because, unlike most mosaics, this box was going to be viewed from up close, and the dithering that usually makes for a more accurate picture from a distance would be distracting to kids with their noses 6 inches away.

Bricksiac Generated Image

Engineering Work

Armature Engineering Drawing

Armature Engineering

This drawing was created by Steve Ringe to document how the armature was going to work and to enable procurement and fabrication.


Early in the construction process, Chris and Ken cranked out the back sides of several sections, since these required no mosaic, they went quickly.


Construction work

Box Interior 1
Box Interior 2
Too Many Parts

The inside of the box could be any color we wanted to use or had lots of...

So we used cheap colors since we cornered the market on red 2x4s!...

The number of different parts used at one time was very large, though.

Working the plan
Working the plan
Working the plan

Working the plan... pretty tedious... a big hurry!

Chris hard at work

Chris Leach studies the plan

To the Top!

To the Top!

Seams still visible

Topped out, but seams visible

Just add kids!

When you're excited about finishing, sometimes the kids just have to be woken up!

Lots of feet

These are all the feet for several statues

inside the box, armature in place

Interior showing armature framework and wood spacers


In Place 1

Box in context at KCCUSA

In Place 2

Installed! whew!

Kellogg, Kellogg's, the Kellogg's logo, Tony the Tiger, Rice Krispies, the Rice Krispies logo, Snap! Crackle! Pop!, Froot Loops, the Froot Loops logo, and Toucan Sam are trademarks or registered trademarks of the Kellogg Company, which does not sponsor, authorize or endorse this site.

The LEGO company does not sponsor, authorize or endorse the KCCUSA Summer Block Party or these statues or displays.

Uncredited images on this or other KCCUSA pages may have been taken by various members of MichLUG. If you have a question about a particular image, or wish credit given, please email me.


LEGO® is a trademark of the LEGO Company, which does not sponsor, authorize or endorse this site.


MTW, Milton Train Works,, and the Milton Train Works logo are trademarks of Milton Train Works and Larry Pieniazek. All other text, images, and trademarks that appear under the domain are the property of Larry Pieniazek unless specifically noted.

The Milton Train Works web site is hosted by Northstar Computer Systems.

Boilerplate Stuff…

Comments? suggestions? Flamage? Mail me!
Backgrounds courtesy of Fibblesnork™ (Copyright held by by Todd Lehman)
Raytraced background scenery courtesy of Bram Lambrecht.
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