Milton Train Works

Milton Train Works™

Custom kits and custom models

A proud member of

Kellogg's Cereal City USA™

2005 Summer Block Party

Display Cases

This page presents some images and additional information about the contents of the display cases we did.

fish out of water

Wrong turn at Aldebaran?

Design Considerations

Lego is interactive, and intricate. So these displays are designed to draw the eye, and give it lots to look at. As always, we put little visual gags into our scenes, as you can see to the right.

We wanted to make sure we were giving something for everyone, which is why we have four different themes represented. KCCUSA emphasized that they're an interactive museum so we made sure that most of the displays had "features"... push a button and something happens.

Jason checks his work

The Cases

KCCUSA has a number of freestanding display cases. The cases are silver to fit with the industrial theming at KCCUSA. After discussion, we decided to use vertical cases for the space and underwater scenes and horizontal ones for the castle and town scenes. The vertical cases are visible from all 4 sides, while the horizontal ones are lit from the top and only visible from the front.

To provide motion control, large 110V pushbuttons were mounted on the case fronts. Each pushbutton controls the power to a LEGO®; 9V train controller set to the appropriate speed which in turn supplies low voltage to a LEGO motor embedded in the model that actually operates the feature.

Castle Case

View of entire castle village

Overview of left side of case. Waterwheel feature is visible at left

Overview of right side of case. Windmill feature is visible at right

A view into the woods

A horse's work is never done

Lots of buildings in a small space. Very medieval!

The soldiers guard against attack, too bad there's a hole in the wall.

Narrow streets, lots of crowds, bustling village

Town Case

An overview of the entire town display case

Left side featuring hospital

Tyne Dairy resupplies the restaurant

Bustling townspeople, going who knows where! (they're minifigs!)

Left side including Skyline Chili and Hospital

Right side with hirise and fire escapes

View of heli showing stretcher unload

Pullback, shows the shine from the case walls

Closeup of the modular motor pack for the helicopter. Worm drive for slow speed

Underwater Case

Sea Monkey mechanical monster brings building supplies

Aquasub helps rescue a pinned Sea Monkey

Putting a new panel in place, the crane sub, other subs and sea monkeys work together

Another view of the crane at work

Overview of the excavation site. Sea Monkeys are collecting crystals from the wrecked ship with help from the aquanauts

High overview

Space Case

Surface vehicles to the fore. Rotating radar dish visible on top

Pushbutton visible on front of case.

Neat reflections. What's that witch doing there?

Another top view

Kellogg, Kellogg's, the Kellogg's logo, Tony the Tiger, Rice Krispies, the Rice Krispies logo, Snap! Crackle! Pop!, Froot Loops, the Froot Loops logo, and Toucan Sam are trademarks or registered trademarks of the Kellogg Company, which does not sponsor, authorize or endorse this site.

The LEGO company does not sponsor, authorize or endorse the KCCUSA Summer Block Party or these statues or displays.

Uncredited images on this or other KCCUSA pages may have been taken by various members of MichLUG. If you have a question about a particular image, or wish credit given, please email me.


LEGO® is a trademark of the LEGO Company, which does not sponsor, authorize or endorse this site.


MTW, Milton Train Works,, and the Milton Train Works logo are trademarks of Milton Train Works and Larry Pieniazek. All other text, images, and trademarks that appear under the domain are the property of Larry Pieniazek unless specifically noted.

The Milton Train Works web site is hosted by Northstar Computer Systems.

Boilerplate Stuff…

Comments? suggestions? Flamage? Mail me!
Backgrounds courtesy of Fibblesnork™ (Copyright held by by Todd Lehman)
Raytraced background scenery courtesy of Bram Lambrecht.
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